Knowing which oil to use in cooking is nutritionally important. Among a wide range of oils on the market, it is wise to know which ones are beneficial to your health. If you want to choose the best oils, it is advisable to know their quality and composition before using them in order to promote good health.
What to know before choosing an oil
Apart from being vehicles for aromas and flavours, oils have several functions in the body such as cell protection, vitamin transport, etc. Generally, oils are made up of fatty acids, including saturated oils considered bad and unsaturated or good fats. Within the unsaturated fatty acids, there are monounsaturated (omega-9) and polyunsaturated (omega-6 and omega-3) fatty acids. However, the oils differ from each other in their composition. Thus, it is from the proportion of fatty acids that an oil should be chosen, favouring those that contain sufficient unsaturated fats.
Olive and rapeseed oil: excellent food oils
According to the USDA, rapeseed oil is the third most consumed vegetable oil in the world. Both rapeseed oil and olive oil are very rich in omega-9s and also contain smaller amounts of omega-3s, omega-6s and saturated fats. Indeed, choosing olive oil or rapeseed oil for your meal is very beneficial for your health because of their cholesterol-lowering effect. Relatively speaking, to prevent cardiovascular diseases, these oils are very appropriate. However, it is important to avoid heating them to high temperatures and cooking them for a long time so as not to destroy their nutritional quality.
Flaxseed and sesame oil: beneficial oils for the brain
Choosing an oil rich in omega-3 is recommended for students and babies for the good functioning of their brain. Omega-3 and omega-6 cannot be synthesised by the body. So, to benefit from their nutritional virtues, you can choose flaxseed oil or sesame oil. These oils contain a high proportion of omega-3 and then omega-6 and provide several benefits, especially for the brain, but also for heart and eye health. However, it is preferable to use them without any heat treatment, as in the preparation of salads, since their polyunsaturated fatty acids deteriorate rapidly in the heat.
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